Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Don't know...

For some reason, life is kicking my sorry butt right now. Nothing seems right, the things I live are somehow askew, the everpresent God is, somehow, out in the ether somewhere. Love and joy are, somehow, amiss.

Don't get me wrong. I live for acceptance. I struggle for peace. I pray for forgiveness. But, yet... And, yet...

Why am I out on the streets? Why is a good night's sleep so hard to find? Why does God seem so far away?

I mean, I call him and get no answer. I laugh and tell a joke and say, "That's pretty funny, eh?" ahd get nothing. I cry and get no comfort.

I cry and get no comfort.

Some tell me all kinds of explanations for it. Most have an answer. Everyone says pretty much the same thing...

"God ain't listening, boy. Stop whining and get on with it."

Ok, so I get on with it. Now what?


Christopher Newton said...

Man, nobody's listening out here in the blogosphere either. What a universe!

There has to be a way out of this human condition besides the obvious - but what is it?

Spoke said...

2 weeks on, any change?
You know brother, I get into a blue funk on occasion too. I dive into this pity party and invite no-one...not even God...certainly not God. This is a normal part of his created being...we cry out! Ultimately, I think we need to cry out to him...stop long enough to put him into the area of our lives again...our minds.
Big Dave the Psalmist often lamented like this....
Keep shouting, he'll hear ya!